caught looking

a blog about the philadelphia phillies. not to be confused, exactly, with "caught looking" the debut album by independent/unsigned/unheard of singer/songwriter greg roth, who is, coincidently, yours truly.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Old Man and Me

Recently, my dad joined the internet revolution. For a mail carrier in his early 60s, this is kind of a big deal. I wasn't sure if he'd be able to fully grasp the whole email - news - sports - email - webcast - youtube - email nexus of surfing and sending, but he's taken to it fairly well so far. I haven't introduced him to the phlogosphere yet, but all in due time. In the meantime, the miracle of cyberspace has brought us the occasional commentary on the hometown club. Here's the latest, in extenso:

"Karim Gracia? Oh brother."

More on this as it develops. No concrete release date for the CD yet either.


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